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OUR SERVICESA broad portfolio of solutions

Initial clinical examination that is carried out on the patient in order to establish the state of oral health that he presents, diagnose the existing pathologies and define the necessary treatment to keep his oral health in excellent condition.

Dentistry area in charge of promoting, promoting and maintaining the patient's oral health in excellent conditions through educational and preventive practices such as:
✓ Patient education in self-care techniques for oral health.
✓ Dental prophylaxis.
✓ Dental screening with ultrasound.
✓ Aplicación de flúor.
✓ Application of pit and fissure sealants.
✓ Application of preventive resins.
✓ Neck desensitization.

Branch of dentistry in charge of restoring the dental structure affected by caries, trauma or congenital defects, in order to recover its function, anatomy and aesthetics. The dental operating procedures we offer are:
✓ Restoration of teeth in light-cured resin.
✓ Restoration of teeth in glass ionomer
✓ Restoration of teeth in glass ionomer
✓ Resin inlays.
✓ Ceramic inlays.
✓ Metal inlays.

Dentistry specialty in charge of restoring affected teeth, replacing missing teeth and solving dental aesthetic problems in order to recover function, occlusion, aesthetics and oral harmony. The oral rehabilitation procedures we offer are:
✓ Total prosthesis (acrylic or flexible acrylic).
✓ Immediate prosthesis.
✓ Crowns (metal-ceramic or metal-free)
✓ Cast core (metal-base, gold or fiberglass)
✓ Temporary acrylic teeth.
✓ Removable partial denture (acrylic, flexible acrylic or with metallic structure).
✓ Precision adjustments.
✓ Neuromyo-relaxing plate for bruxism.
✓ Previous deprogrammer.
✓ Occlusal adjustment.
✓ Dental splinting due to trauma.

It is the branch of dentistry that deals with replacing missing teeth for different reasons, using dental implants placed in the maxillary or mandibular bone, allowing the patient to recover its masticatory, phonetic and aesthetic functions. The oral implantology processes we offer are as follows:
✓ Surgical phase of dental implants.
✓ Implant restoration with crown (metal-ceramic or metal-free)
✓ Rehabilitation of fixed partial prosthesis on implants.
✓ Total implant supported prosthesis

It is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for providing harmony and beauty to the smile, taking into account not only the teeth but also the lips and gums to obtain a balance between them and thus achieve a correct harmony of the mouth with others components of the face. The aesthetic procedures that we offer are:
✓ Extrinsic whitening or extrinsic dental whitening.
✓ Extrinsic whitening or extrinsic dental whitening.
✓ Direct dental veneers in light-cured resin.
✓ Indirect dental veneers (resin, ceramic, ceromero, lithium disilicate)
✓ Regularization of gingival margins (gingivectomy).
✓ Smile design.

It is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for diagnosing, preventing and correcting the bad position of the teeth in the jaws and the bad occlusion of the upper and lower teeth in order to restore the patient's facial gold aesthetics, function and harmony. The orthodontic treatments we offer are the following:
✓ Interceptive orthodontics.
✓ Corrective orthodontics (metal, ceramic, self-ligating brackets).
✓ Pre and post orthognathic orthodontic surgery.
✓ Retention equipment (retainers)

It is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the treatment and prevention of bone and functional disorders of the jaws in growing patients. The orthopedic treatments offered are:
✓ Functional orthopedic appliances to redirect or stimulate the growth of the jaws.
✓ Orthopedic appliances for habit correction.
✓ Space maintainers.

It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of the root canals of the tooth, by removing the dental pulp (nerve) and later filling the pulp cavity with an inert material. The endodontic treatments we carry out are the following:
✓ Endodontic treatment (uniradicular, biradicular or multiradicular).
✓ Endodontic treatment (uniradicular, biradicular or multiradicular).
✓ Apical surgery.

It is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the treatment of diseases of the supporting tissues of the tooth (gum, bone, periodontal ligament and root cementum). We offer the following periodontal treatments:
✓ Scraping and root planing in the open field.
✓ Bone grafts.
✓ Coronal elongation.
✓ Frenilectomies (cut of labial or lingual frenulum).
✓ Guided tissue regeneration.
✓ Periodontal surgery.

It is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for performing surgical procedures to treat some pathologies and conditions of the oral cavity; Within these procedures we offer the following services:
✓ Simple tooth extractions.
✓ Surgical tooth extractions (wisdom teeth).
✓ Excision of injuries.
✓ Surgical windows.
✓ Bichectomies.


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